1984 |
The Canterbury Tales |
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1987 |
A Little Lower Than the Angels |
Gabriel und der Meisterspieler |
1988 |
A Pack of Lies |
Lauter Lügen |
1989 |
The Maypole
Blackberry Bunny
Henry Hedgehog's Hat
Hoppity Hare's Adventures
Little Brown Mouse
Piggy Goes to Market
The Rabbits' New Home
Tiny Chick's Tail
Yellow Duckling's Story
Brambledown Tales
Brambledown Tales
Brambledown Tales
Brambledown Tales
Brambledown Tales
Brambledown Tales
Brambledown Tales
Brambledown Tales |
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1990 |
Fires' Astonishment |
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1991 |
Vainglory |
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1993 |
Gold Dust |
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1994 |
Stories from Shakespeare
The Orchard Book of Stories from the Ballet |
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1995 |
On the Day the World Began
Quest of Isis
The Bible Story Collection
Wizziwig and the Crazy Cooker
Wizziwig and the Singing Car
Wizziwig and the Sweet Machine
Wizziwig and the Wacky Weather Machine
The Golden Hoard |
Myths and Legends |
Das grosse Fest
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1996 |
Cowboy Jess
Plundering Paradise
Cowboy Jess Saddles Up
King Arthur
Silver Treasure |
Myths and Legends |
Der Sänger
Piraten im Paradies
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1997 |
Forever X
The Ideal Wife
God's People: Stories from the Old Testament
Ballet Stories
The Bronze Cauldron
Adventures of Odysseus
The Perils of Perseus
Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa
Theseus and the Minotaur, Orpheus and Eurydice, Apollo and Daphne
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Persephone and the Pomegranite Seeds
The Twelve Labours of Heracles
Daedalus and Icarus (King Midas)
The Wooden Horse (Pandora's Box) |
Myths and Legends
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths |
Eine ideale Frau
Die Schwanenkönigin
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1998 |
Casting the Gods Adrift: A Tale of Ancient Egypt
The Pirate's Son
Princess Stories
The Crystal Pool |
Myths and Legends |
1999 |
Too Big!
Brave Magic
The Stones Are Hatching
God's Kingdom |
Die Brut der Drachensteine
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2000 |
The Great Chase
Hermes Tricks the Gods
Phaeton and the Sun Chariot
Zeus Conquers the Titans
Romulus and Remus
A Shot in the Dark |
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Greek Myths
Roman Myths
Roman Myths |
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2001 |
John Bunyan's a Pilgrim's Progress Retold
The Kite Rider
El Cid
Stop the Train
Starry Tales
Athena and the Olive Tree |
Greek Myths |
Der Drachenflieger
Stop the Train
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2002 |
Gilgamesh the Hero
Six Storey House |
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2003 |
The Jesse Tree
Dog Days
Doctor Quack
Theseus |
Heroes |
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2004 |
Not the End of the World
Questing Knights of the Faerie Queen |
Nicht das Ende der Welt
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2005 |
The White Darkness |
Weiße Finsternis |
2006 |
King Arthur and the Round Table
The Longest Story in the World
Peter Pan in Scarlet |
Peter Pan und der rote Pirat
2007 |
Tamburlaine's Elephants
Greek Heroes |
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