1948 |
The Harp in the South |
Glück gezahlt in kleiner Münze |
1949 |
Poor Man's Orange |
Blutorangen - zweite Wahl |
1951 |
The Witch's Thorn |
Der Hexendorn |
1953 |
A Power of Roses
Serpent's Delight
- |
1955 |
Pink Flannel |
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1957 |
One-a-Pecker, Two-a-Pecker |
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1961 |
The Hole in the Hill
The Ship's Cat |
- |
1962 |
Airlift for Grandee
The Road to Christmas
The Road Under the Sea
The Shaky Island
Uncle Matt's Mountain
The Muddle-Headed Wombat |
Kleiner dummer Wombi |
1964 |
The Muddle-Headed Wombat on Holiday |
Wombi, Lu und Maus |
1965 |
The Muddle-Headed Wombat in the Treetops
Wombi und das Baumhaus |
1966 |
The Muddle-Headed Wombat at School
The Muddle-Headed Wombat in the Snow |
- |
1967 |
The Ring for the Sorcerer |
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1968 |
The Sixpenny Island |
Die Fünf-Groschen-Insel |
1969 |
Nuki and the Sea Serpent: a Maori Legend
The Runaway Bus
The Muddle-Headed Wombat on a Rainy Day |
- |
1970 |
The Muddle Headed Wombat in the Springtime
The Muddle-Headed Wombat on the River |
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1973 |
The Muddle-Headed Wombat and the Bush Band
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1974 |
Callie's Castle |
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1975 |
The Gigantic Balloon
The Muddle-Headed Wombat and the Invention |
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1976 |
Merchant Campbell
The Muddle-Headed Wombat on Clean-Up Day |
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1977 |
Swords and Crowns and Rings
Roger Bandy |
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1978 |
Come Danger, Come Darkness |
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1979 |
The Adventures of the Muddle-Headed Wombat |
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1980 |
Playing Beattie Bow
When the Wind Changed
More Adventures of the Muddle-Headed Wombat |
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1981 |
The Muddle-Headed Wombat is Very Bad |
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1982 |
The Muddle-Headed Wombat Stays at Home |
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1983 |
The Big Brass Key |
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1984 |
My Sister Sif |
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1985 |
Missus |
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1988 |
Callie's Family |
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1989 |
Things in Corners |
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1991 |
James |
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