Zyklus |
1986 |
The Prodigal Father |
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1989 |
Storm in the Citadel |
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1990 |
Revenge |
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1992 |
Catholics And Sex: From Purity to Purgatory
Zwischen Keuschheit und Fegefeuer |
1993 |
Night Shall Overtake Us |
Der Wind der Zeit |
1995 |
Wild Young Bohemians |
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1998 |
Lily-Josephine |
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1999 |
Mendax the Mystery Cat
Red Stocking Rescue
A Spell of Witches |
Belfry Witches
Belfry Witches
Belfry Witches |
Hilfe - verbannt!
Verflixt - ein Spion!
Oh Schreck - verzaubert! |
2000 |
Power Hat Panic
Witch You Were Here
Broomsticks in Space |
Belfry Witches
Belfry Witches
Belfry Witches |
Vorsicht - der Schein trügt!
Oh weh - nichts wie weg!
Achtung - Gefahr aus dem Weltall! |
2002 |
The Marrying Game
How Dyslexics Learn: Grasping the Nettle |
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2003 |
Cat and the Stinkwater War |
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2004 |
Bachelor Boys |
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