1952 |
Vault of the Ages |
- |
1953 |
The War of Two Worlds |
Der Zweiwelten-Krieg |
1954 |
The Broken Sword
Brainwave |
Das zerbrochene
- |
1955 |
No World of Their Own
Die Menschheit sucht Asyl |
1956 |
Planet of No Return
Star Ways |
Psychotechnic League |
- |
1957 |
Earthman's Burden |
Hoka |
mit G. Dickinson |
- |
1958 |
War of the Wing-Men
The Snows of Ganymede |
Polesotechnic League
Psychotechnic League |
Die Rasse der Flügelmenschen
- |
1959 |
Perish by the Sword
The Enemy Stars
Virgin Planet
We Claim These Stars
Psychotechnic League
Flandry |
Das dürstende Schwert
Feind aus dem All
- |
1960 |
The High Crusade
The Golden Slave
Rogue Sword
Murder in Black Letter
Earthman, Go Home! |
Flandry |
Kreuzzug nach fremden Sternen
Ermenschen unerwünscht |
1961 |
Orbit Unlimited
Twilight World
Mayday Orbit
Guardians of Time
Three Hearts and Three Lions
Strangers from Earth |
Time Patrol
Holger Danske
- |
1962 |
After Doomsday
The Makeshift Rocket
Murder Bound |
- |
1963 |
Let the Spacemen Beware! |
Flandry |
Raumfahrer, Vorsicht! |
1964 |
Three Worlds to Conquer |
- |
1965 |
The Corridors of Time
The Star Fox
Agent of the Terran Empire
Flandry of Terra
Time and Stars |
Korridore der Zeit
Dominic Flandry, Spion im All
Die Zeit und die Sterne |
1966 |
World Without Stars
The Fox, the Dog, and the Griffin
Trader to the Stars
Ensign Flandry
The Rebel Worlds |
Polesotechnic League
Flandry |
Welt ohne Sterne
Der Sternenhändler
Rebellenwelt |
1967 |
The Trouble Twisters |
Polesotechnic League |
Die Friedensstifer |
1968 |
The Horn of Time
Is There Life on Other Worlds? |
Das Horn der Zeit
Gibt es Leben auf anderen Welten |
1969 |
Infinite Voyage
Beyond the Beyond
Seven Conquests
Satan's World |
Polesotechnic League |
Satans Welt |
1970 |
Tau Zero
A Circus of Hells
Tales of the Flying Mountains |
Die fliegenden Berge |
1971 |
The Byworlder
Operation Chaos |
Der Außenweltler
- |
1972 |
There Will Be Time
The Day the Sun Stood Still
Unman and Other Novellas |
Die Zeit wird kommen
- |
1973 |
The People of the Wind
Hrolf Kraki's Saga
The Queen of Air and Darkness
The Merman`s Children (Novelette) |
Hrolf Krakis Saga
Kinder des Wassermanns |
1974 |
Fire Time
The Worlds of Poul Anderson
Inheritors of the Earth
The Day of Their Return
A Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
A Midsummer Tempest
The Many Worlds of Poul Anderson |
Holger Danske
mit G. Eklund
Zeit des Feuers
Ein Mittsommernachts-Sturm
- |
1975 |
Homeward and Beyond
Star Prince Charlie |
mit G. Dickinson |
- |
1976 |
The Winter of the World
The Best of Poul Anderson
- |
1977 |
Mirkheim |
Polesotechnic League |
Mirkheim |
1978 |
Two Worlds
The Avatar
The Earth Book of Stormgate |
Polesotechnic League |
Das Avatar
Das Erbuch von Sturmtor |
1979 |
The Merman`s Children
The Demon of Scattery
A Stone in Heaven |
Flandry |
mit M. Broxon
Kinder des Wassermanns
Die Schlange von Scattery
- |
1980 |
The Devil`s Game
Method of Holding the Three Ones
The Golden Horn
The Road of the Sea Horse
The Sign of the Raven
Conan the Rebel |
Last Viking
Last Viking
Last Viking
Conan |
mit K. Anderson
mit K. Anderson
mit K. Anderson
Das goldene Horn
Die Walroß-Straße
Das Zeichen des Raben
Conan der Rebel |
1981 |
The Dark Between the Star |
- |
1982 |
The Gods Laughed
New America
Maurai and Kith
Cold Victory
Starship |
Psychotechnic League
Psychotechnic League |
Kalter Sieg
Der Psychotechnik-Bund |
1983 |
Orion Shall Rise
Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!
The Long Night
Time Patrolman
Operation Otherworld |
Time Patrol
mit G. Dickinson
mit G. Dickinson
Orion wird sich erheben
- |
1984 |
Berserker Base
The Unicorn Trade
Past Times |
mit Co-Autoren
mit K. Anderson
- |
1985 |
The Game of Empire
Dialogue with Darkness |
- |
1986 |
No Truce With Kings
Roma Mater |
King of Ys |
mit K. Anderson |
- |
1987 |
Gallicenae |
King of Ys |
mit K. Anderson |
- |
1988 |
The Year of the Ransom
The Dog and the Wolf |
Time Patrol
King of Ys
King of Ys |
mit K. Anderson
mit K. Anderson |
- |
1989 |
The Boat of a Million Years
The Saturn Game
Space Folk |
Das letzte Raumschif
- |
1990 |
Inconstant Star
The Shield of Time
Bat-21 |
Time Patrol
mit W. Anderson |
Das Schild der Zeit
- |
1991 |
Kinship with the Stars
Alight in the Void
How to Build a Planet
The Longest Voyage
Losers' Night |
mit S. W. Gillett
Die längste Reise
- |
1992 |
Harvest of Stars
The Armies of Elfland |
Harvest of Stars
- |
1994 |
The Stars Are Also Fire |
Harvest of Stars |
Sternenfeuer |
1995 |
Harvest of Fire |
Harvest of Stars |
Sternennebel |
1996 |
All One Universe |
- |
1997 |
The Fleet of Stars
War of the Gods |
Harvest of Stars
Hadding |
Krieg der Götter |
1998 |
Starfarers |
Weltenwanderer |
1999 |
Operation Luna |
- |
2000 |
Hokas Pokas
Genesis |
mit G. Dickinson
Genesis |
2001 |
Mother of Kings |
- |
2002 |
Going for Infinity |
- |
2003 |
For Love and Glory |
- |
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